Thursday, 12 April 2018

Tv advert re-branding Ben and Jerry's evaluation

Tv advert re-branding Ben and Jerry’s ice cream 

My group decided to re-brand Ben and Jerry's ice cream because we wanted to make the advert more about if someone is sad or can’t go out with friends then Ben and Jerry's is the right thing to do.

The good thing about our advert:
As a group we all agreed with each other on what product we were going to choose.
We came up with a great idea for the advert
We all planned out what jobs we were going to be doing in the project and then sorted out shot list, and already planned our pre-production paperwork.

The things we thought could have been improved:
When we first shot our advert we thought it was perfect, but while editing we saw that we had used the wrong camera lens.
When filming our first advert we weren’t able to film all our shots in one day, but when we were reshooting we were able to film all our shots.

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